Saving Blinkies from Lilmsgitter's site. Picture Tutorial below by Shirley: .. It is simple to get them, it is because you have windows XP. All you do is e-mail picture to yourself one by one. when you get them then they are gif's, but you literally have to send them to your self. Anyone with Windows XP does. The tutorial for getting them is below in pictures, Share this also with friends your refer to her site with windows XP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
All you do is mail them to yourself. It is because you have windows XP Pictures below: no wait a minute until a box comes up with 2 selection( see below ) click in the top box and push ok . Now wait again for a minute for the e-mail box to appear. GO to next picture now to see further instruction. now address the e-mail box and send it to yourself and download your mails as usual and save attachment as usual. see below: Easy huh ????? But it all because we have windows XP .... Small problem for such wonderful Blinkies. Hope this helps you sweetie..... for any problems please contact Frooty (lilmsglitter)at her e-mail address. Thank you so very much for visiting my site and May God bless your days with all the happiness heaven allows. tutorial composed by Shirley her friend and I am so proud of Frooty's work . No one on the internet has as nice of Blinkies as she does or have the assortment she does either. |